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Pauline Oud Sleep tight, Lily and Milo
Lily en Milo laten zien wat je doet voor je gaat slapen. Je trekt je kleren uit en poetst je tanden. En wat doe je nog meer voor je gaat slapen? Prentenboek met paginagrote illustraties in heldere, zachte kleuren. Vanaf ca. 2 jaar.
Engels | 26 pagina's | Clavis, New York | 2022
Gedrukt boek
Ocellus Marsupilami
Ga op pad met de Marsupilami’s om een geheimzinnige vloek te verbreken. Vanaf ca. 9 jaar.
Vetasoft The sisters
party of the year
Wendy en haar zusje Maureen willen allebei een feestje geven. Wie krijgt er toestemming van hun ouders? Ze houden een wedstrijd vol uitdagingen. Vanaf ca. 9 jaar.
Mandy Woelkens | Thorn Roos de Vries FAQ gender
frequently asked questions about bing non-binary
Auteurs Mandy en Thorn vertellen over hun ervaringen als queerkoppel en beantwoorden vragen over gender.
Engels | 152 pagina's (ePub2, 0,4 MB) | Blossom Books BOLD, Zeist | 2024
GameMill Entertainment Nerf legends
Ga met je Nerf blaster de strijd aan tegen kwaadaardige robots en eindbazen. Vanaf ca. 12 jaar.
Lauren Asher The fine print
SPECIAL EDITION – Meet the Dreamland billionaires! Rowan I’m in the business of creating fairy tales. Theme parks. Production companies. Five-star hotels. Everything could be all mine if I renovated Dreamland. My initial idea of hiring Zahra was good in theory, but then I kissed her. Things spiraled out of control once I texted her using an alias. By the time I realized where I went wrong, it was too late. People like me don’t get happy endings. Not when we’re destined to ruin them. Zahra After...
Engels | 339 pagina's (ePub2, 0,8 MB) | Love Books, Amsterdam | 2023
PHL Collective The Addams Family
Mansion Mayhem
Een geheimzinnige indringer wil de villa van de Addams familie vernietigen. Kan jij de familie helpen? Vanaf ca. 7 jaar.
Django Mathijsen RoboRights
Een robottenprogrammeur in de nabije toekomst wordt verdacht van betrokkenheid bij een terroristische aanslag en komt in allerlei moeilijke situaties terecht als hij probeert klaarheid in deze zaak te brengen.
Fictie | Science fiction | Thriller
Engels | 146 pagina's (ePub2, 5,2 MB) | Zilverspoor, [Naaldwijk] | 2022
Ana Huang Twisted love
Qua interesse en emoties kunnen Ava en Alex niet meer van elkaar verschillen, maar het weerhoudt hen niet van een stormachtige affaire die zich tegen de achtergrond van de levensmissie van Alex afspeelt.
Fictie | Erotische verhalen | Romantische verhalen
Engels | 299 pagina's (ePub2, 1,9 MB) | Love Books, Amsterdam | 2022
Ana Huang Twisted hate
Toekomstig raadsvrouw en medisch specialist, die in hun beroepsleven emoties onder controle moeten houden, geven toe aan hun gevoelens.
Fictie | Erotische verhalen | Romantische verhalen
Engels | 419 pagina's (ePub2, 7,3 MB) | Love Books, Amsterdam | 2022
Berthold Gunster Omdenken at work
the Dutch art of flip-thinking
Why... ...do we work anyway? ...do we often put on an act at work? ...do we try to prevent any mishaps, or friction, by introducing endless bureaucracy? ...do our 'solutions' only make the problem worse? ...does one co-worker continuously act like a baby, and the other like a bully? ...do we work in a world of busy-busy-busy, stress, and burn-out? ...is there so much unspoken suspicion between employers and employees? And how... ...could we omdenk (flip-think) these problems? Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 64 pagina's (ePub2, 4,1 MB) | Omdenken Uitgeverij, [Utrecht] | 2022
Ana Huang Twisted games
Een prinses ziet haar bodyguard als een vervelend obstakel tot ze hem beter begint te begrijpen en blijkt dat ze samen het onmogelijke kunnen bereiken.
Fictie | Erotische verhalen | Romantische verhalen
Engels | 366 pagina's (ePub2, 1,9 MB) | Love Books, Amsterdam | 2022
Stijn Bronzwaer | Joris Kooiman | Merijn Rengers The machine
the inside story of Booking.com
Booking.com, one of the richest and most successful internet companies in Europe, has been a mystery for twenty-five years. Everyone knows the website, but no one knows the people and the stories behind this deeply Dutch company in U.S. hands. Until now. Three journalists from the major Dutch NRC newspaper present a detailed reconstruction of the dark internet fairy tale of Booking.com, from an idea built by a group of engineering students in Twente in the late 1990s to its development into the largest...
Engels | 232 pagina's (ePub2, 11 MB) | Lebowski Publishers, Amsterdam | 2022
Maarten A. Oversier The right to be
exposing the surpressed history we still carry within us
Echoes of unresolved trauma from our past, even past lives, can cause physical, psychological, or emotional ailments that present-day humans suffer. But what is the real genesis of these traumas? In the more than 25 years that Maarten Oversier has been a practicing reincarnation and regression therapist, he has discovered that the source can always be found within three specific historical domains. The shocking, and therefore often repressed experiences of our ancestors, the hell of two recent world...
Engels | 383 pagina's (ePub2, 14 MB) | LondonBooks, [Bodegraven] | 2022
Gideon Karting Never work with your idols
35 commandments for a successful career in the music industry
For more than twenty years Gideon Karting has been a fixture in the music industry. He started at the bottom as a concert billposter and worked his way up to the highest level of concert promotion. He was one of the top promoters in the Netherlands, having promoted all the Dutch shows of a wide range of leading artists, including Lady Gaga, Harry Styles, Adele, One Direction, Arctic Monkeys, Bruno Mars, and BTS. For many years he was also responsible for the programming of major festivals like Lowlands,...
Engels | 180 pagina's (ePub2, 3,1 MB) | Outliner Books, Rotterdam | 2022
Mark McKinney Postcolonialism and migration in French comics
Postcolonialism and migration are major themes in contemporary French comics and have roots in the Algerian War (1954-62), antiracist struggle, and mass migration to France. This volume studies comics from the end of the formal dismantling of French colonial empire in 1962 up to the present. French cartoonists of ethnic-minority and immigrant heritage are a major focus, including Zeina Abirached (Lebanon), Yvan Alagbé (Benin), Baru (Italy), Enki Bilal (former Yugoslavia), Farid Boudjellal (Algeria...
Engels | PDF, 13 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Orpheus Institute Sound work
composition as critical technical practice
The practices and perception of music creation have evolved with the cultural, social and technological contexts of music and musicians. But musical authorship, in its many technical and aesthetic modes, remains an important component of music culture. Musicians are increasingly called on to share their experience in writing. However, cultural imperatives to account for composition as knowledge production and to make claims for its uniqueness inhibit the development of discourse in both expert and...
Engels | 376 pagina's (PDF, 23 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Lepanto and beyond
images of religious alterity from Genoa and the Christian Mediterranean
The Battle of Lepanto, celebrated as the greatest triumph of Christianity over its Ottoman enemy, was soon transformed into a powerful myth through a vast media campaign. The varied storytelling and the many visual representations that contributed to shape the perception of the battle in Christian Europe are the focus of this book. In broader terms, Lepanto and Beyond also sheds light on the construction of religious alterity in the early modern Mediterranean. It presents cross-disciplinary case...
Engels | PDF, 56 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Henricus Gandavensis Henrici de Gandavo Summa
(Quaestiones ordinariae), art. LX-LXII
Articles 56-59 of Henry of Ghent's Summa is devoted to the trinitarian properties. Henry was the most important Christian theological thinker in the last quarter of the 13th century and his works were influential not only in his lifetime, but also in the following century and into the Renaissance. Henry's Quaestiones ordinariae (Summa), articles 56-59 deal with the trinitarian properties and relations, topics of Henry's lectures at the university in Paris. In these articles, dated around 1286, Henry...
Engels | PDF, 9,5 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Missionary education
historical approaches and global perspectives
Missionaries have been subject to academic and societal debate. Some scholars highlight their contribution to the spread of modernity and development among local societies, whereas others question their motives and emphasise their inseparable connection with colonialism. In this volume, fifteen authors - from both Europe and the Global South - address these often polemical positions by focusing on education, one of the most prominent fields in which missionaries have been active. They elaborate on...
Engels | PDF, 23 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021