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Resultaat 21 - 40 (van 113)
Henri Bergson An Introduction to Metaphysics
The basic principles that Bergson articulates, especially his way of thinking about reality as a dynamic process and his view of human beings as creative and evolving, should be helpful to anyone who seeks to go beyond simply dealing with the practical demands of daily life and consider the nature of things. Of special importance is Bergson’s claim that it is both possible and necessary to know from the inside rather than confining our attention to external perspectives and points of view. Intuition...
Engels | 2 uur 5 minuten (91 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Alfred North Whitehead Whitehead’s The Function of Reason
Whitehead presented these three lectures at Princeton University in 1929. Although 85 years have passed, his central thesis and his analysis remain remarkably current. The scientific materialism that Whitehead opposed with such vigor continues to dominate in academic circles, and even now those who question that worldview are often accused of being anti-scientific. This is especially true in discussions of the nature of the human mind and its relation to the body (particularly the brain). It is hard...
Engels | 2 uur 34 minuten (112 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Albert A. Anderson Anderson’s Reality and the Arts
Art is the creative manifestation of essences. In order to understand the relation between art and reality, we need a philosophical guide. The best way to comprehend how the creative act of imagining enables the mind to seek reality is to employ the kind of dialectical thinking that Plato used in his dialogues. Beginning with the shadows on the wall of the cave in which each person dwells, that process gradually enables us to grasp the essences that are manifested in individual works of art. Without...
Engels | 4 uur 7 minuten (179 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Walter Parks Jesus
The Missing Years
The Bible tells us of Jesus' birth and of His being in the temple in Jerusalem when He was a boy of 12. But then there is no further mention of Him until about 20 years later when He starts His ministry. Where was He? Why did the Bible not say? After an intensive search and study of The Dead Sea Scrolls and other ancient documents, I found where God gave instructions, through His Prophets, for the preparation of a place in the wilderness for His Son Jesus. The instructions were followed. A place...
Engels | 4 uur 11 minuten (183 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Brahma Khumaris Samay Ki Pukar
"Samay Ki Pukar" is a collection of Hindi devotional poetry, sung with music. Discover it’s magic and let your mind be transported to a different world. Even if you don’t speak Hindi, your mood will be instantly lifted by those happy, sunny tunes. The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University is an international organisation working at all levels of society for positive change. Established in 1937 it now carries out a wide range of educational programmes for the development of human and spiritual...
Engels | 36 minuten (28 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Brahma Khumaris Knowing God
The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University presents "Knowing God", a calming, guided-meditation that will help you relax, unwind and find peace and maybe even enlightenment. Listen to the tracks and follow the guide to free yourself from the stresses of modern, daily-life. The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University is an international organisation working at all levels of society for positive change. Established in 1937 it now carries out a wide range of educational programmes for the development...
Engels | 56 minuten (44 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Grahame Lock Political philosophy
an audio course on Western political theory
This audio course examines the major periods in the history of Western political thought and questions the political and social order. It considers the ways in which thinkers have responded to the particular political problems of their day, and the ways in which they contribute to a broader conversation about human goods and needs, justice, democracy, and the proper relationship of the individual to the state. One aim will be to understand the strengths and weaknesses of various regimes and philosophical...
Engels | 4 uur | Home Academy Publishers, The Hague | 2008
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Petra Roelofs De eenzame rups
een zoektocht naar geluk; in search of happiness
Dit is een autobiografisch verhaal van een eenzame rups die het avontuur aangaat op zoek naar geluk. Ik neem je mee en laat je zien hoe ik, met mijn hooggevoelige natuur, het gevoel van eenzaamheid heb kunnen transformeren naar een gevoel van verbonden zijn met alles wat er tussen hemel en aarde is. De regenboog staat hier voor mij symbool voor. Ik hoop hiermee ook jou te kunnen inspireren om je open te stellen, hulp te vragen en op onderzoek te gaan. Zo ontwikkel je de kunst om op een andere manier...
Nederlands | Engels | 23 pagina's (PDF, 1,7 MB) | Magister, Amsterdam | 2020
Emiel de Boer Divine response to Anti-Semitism
The Everlasting Covenant in Progress
Only few peoples have suffered so much from discrimination and persecution as the Jewish people. In Roman times, after three failed uprisings against Rome, the Jewish people were scattered throughout the Roman Empire and in later times throughout the world. The scattering throughout the world took place in the manner prophesied by Moses. He also correctly prophesied the discrimination and persecutions that would continue to haunt the Jewish people. But God also showed Moses the return of the Jews...
Engels | ePub3, 2,6 MB | Aspekt Publishers, Soesterberg | 2024
Evert Heintz Flow for life
Discover your unprecedented capabilities with the pyramid of insight
"Suddenly the ground disappeared from under my feet and I fell into the abyss. During my 15 meter fall I landed on a snow bridge which saved my life as the crevasse was at least fifty meters deep." As a person you can do much more than you think! In this fascinating book you will learn to discover your unprecedented capabilities and thus increase the flow and energy in your own life. After a near-death experience, author and mountaineer Evert Heintz learned to look differently at his energy. He developed...
Engels | 268 pagina's (ePub2, 12 MB) | Heintz, Heemskerk | 2024
Epicureanism and scientific debates
antiquity and late reception
Epicureanism is not only a defence of pleasure: it is also a philosophy of science and knowledge. This edited collection explores new pathways for the study of Epicurean scientific thought, a hitherto still understudied domain, and engages systematically and critically with existing theories. It shows that the philosophy of Epicurus and his heirs, from antiquity to the classical age, founded a rigorous and coherent conception of knowledge. This first part of a two-volume set examines more specifically...
Engels | 350 pagina's (PDF, 7 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2023
Fabio Bolzonar Catholicism and the welfare state in secular France
Even though the policy impact of Catholicism has increasingly been acknowledged, existing scholarship lacks a coherent view on its changing influence over time and in different political contexts. In this book, Fabio Bolzonar investigates the influence of Catholicism on developments in French social protection from World War II to the mid-2010s. He discusses the factors that have favoured or inhibited it and explores the hybridization between Catholic values and secular principles in the social engagement...
Engels | 223 pagina's (PDF, 2,2 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2023
Mohamad Mostafa Fakhri The Reign Of Solomon
The Second Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in 1402 Anno Hegirae
The Jews believe that they will be spared suffering, pain and oppression because they have lived the norms and values through legislation that they have jointly drafted. Christians believe that they cannot be executed on Judgment Day because, on rather dubious reasoning, they crucified Jesus of Nazareth and made him pay the ultimate price, as it were, for the sins of subjects of Christian societies. The Muslims, with their different denominations, believe that salvation comes from the recognition...
Engels | 491 pagina's (ePub2, 0,6 MB) | Mostafa’s Books And Publishing House B.V, Rotterdam | 2023
Petrus de Arvernia | Marco Toste Petrus de Alvernia
Questiones super I-VII libros Politicorum; a critical edition and study
This volume is the first complete critical edition of Peter of Auvergne's Questiones super I-VII libros Politicorum. The Questiones was produced at the Faculty of Arts of Paris sometime between late 1291 and 1296 and is the earliest surviving commentary in question form on Aristotle's Politics. As the introduction explains, the Questiones was philosophically innovative and became the most influential question commentary on the Politics in the Middle Ages. The volume also includes a critical edition...
Engels | Latijn | 902 pagina's (PDF, 15 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Victor M. Salas Immanent transcendence
Francisco Suárez’s doctrine of being
Long considered one of late scholasticism's most important thinkers, Francisco Suárez has, paradoxically enough, often been treated only in relation to other medieval authors or as a transitional figure in the shift from medieval to early modern philosophy. As such, his thought has often been obscured and framed in terms of an alien paradigm. This book seeks to correct such approaches and examines Suárez's metaphysical thinking as it stands on its own. Suárez is shown to be much more in line with...
Engels | PDF, 4,1 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Eloquent images
evangelisation, conversion and propaganda in the global world of the early modern period
Drawing on original research covering different periods and spaces, this book sets out to appreciate the specific place of images in the history of evangelisation in the long modern period. How can we reconceptualise the functions of the visual mediation of the gospel message, both in terms of the production and reception of this message and in terms of its effective mediators, artists, religious, and cultural ambassadors? The contributions in this book offer multiple geographical and historical...
Engels | PDF, 68 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
This obscure thing called transparency
politics and aesthetics of a contemporary metaphor
Transparency is the metaphor of our time. Whether in government or corporate governance, finance, technology, health or the media - it is ubiquitous today, and there is hardly a current debate that does not call for more transparency. But what does this word actually stand for and what are the consequences for the life of individuals? Can knowledge from the arts, and its play of visibility and invisibility, tell us something about the paradoxical logics of transparency and mediation? This Obscure...
Engels | 280 pagina's (PDF, 21 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Ton Toutnu The beginning, the end and everything in between
under the auspices of Dr. anTONius F.W. Morselt
The beginning, the end, and everything in between stars the man. It's about the life of a Dutch man, born in 1939 and up to the end that is yet to come. Preparations have started for that end, however. Judging by the large membership numbers of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vrijwillige Euthanasie-the Dutch euthanasia association-he is not the only one. Most of this book, however, is about what happens between birth and death. You have to talk to a Dutchman in half-English; that's what they like...
Engels | 336 pagina's (PDF, 73 MB) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022
George Fargo The labyrinth of the soul
The Labyrinth of the Soul - A modern-day parable When Jason Leonard decides to take a few days off for himself to sail on the Mediterranean, he cannot imagine the adventure that awaits him. Stranded after a shipwreck, he enters a magical labyrinth, in which he encounters a series of strange but inspiring "life coaches". A ragtag group of dieties, shamans and shape-shifters, they help the lost but searching Jason find his way out of the maze and back to his family. In doing so, they accompany him...
Engels | 124 pagina's (ePub2, 5,4 MB) | Vergouw Publishing, Amsterdam | 2022
Henricus Gandavensis Henrici de Gandavo Summa
(Quaestiones ordinariae), art. LX-LXII
Articles 56-59 of Henry of Ghent's Summa is devoted to the trinitarian properties. Henry was the most important Christian theological thinker in the last quarter of the 13th century and his works were influential not only in his lifetime, but also in the following century and into the Renaissance. Henry's Quaestiones ordinariae (Summa), articles 56-59 deal with the trinitarian properties and relations, topics of Henry's lectures at the university in Paris. In these articles, dated around 1286, Henry...
Engels | PDF, 9,5 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021