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Resultaat 521 - 540 (van 882)
Håkan Östlundh De man op de bodem
De man op de bodem is het zesde deel in de reeks met Fredrik Broman, inspecteur van politie op het Zweedse eiland Gotland. Drugs verkopen via internet lijkt een lucratieve business waarmee Viktor en Rafael op eenvoudige wijze in korte tijd al twee miljoen hebben vergaard. Dat geld hebben ze veilig op een buitenlandse rekening gestald waar men de clientèle geen lastige vragen stelt. Maar als op zekere dag een handlanger, die voor hen de gesmokkelde amfetamine aan land moet brengen, niet komt opdagen,...
Nederlands | 16 uur 18 minuten (938 MB) | Lind & Co, Stockholm | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Eric Oosthoek Dood in opdracht
De zaak Dantzig
'Gebaseerd op waargebeurde zaken' Lydia stond langzaam op en staarde als verlamd naar de foto. Haar eigen vermoeide, maar blije gezicht, de vrolijk lachende ogen van Marianna, de twee rode cirkels. Het begon tot haar door te dringen wat dit betekende. Ze kwam met een schok terug in de werkelijkheid, greep haar mobiel en toetste Marianna's nieuwe nummer. De bel ging over. Het duurde en duurde, niemand nam op. Ze belde een tweede keer, bang dat ze een fout gemaakt had. Niets. Geen reactie. Hulpeloos...
Nederlands | 9 uur 15 minuten (532 MB) | All Fiction, Amsterdam | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Thomas Harris Cari Mora
Onder een villa in Miami ligt voor 25 miljoen aan narco-goud. Allerlei criminelen jagen erop, waaronder Hans-Peter Schneider, een genadeloos monster dat de ziekste fantasieën van de allerrijksten uit laat komen. Om bij het goud te komen moet hij alleen nog wel afrekenen met de van oorsprong Colombiaanse Cari Mora, die op het huis past. Wanneer Hans-Peter haar ziet, denkt hij niet alleen het goud maar ook een mooi, weerloos speeltje te hebben gevonden. Maar daarmee onderschat hij Cari Mora op dodelijke...
Nederlands | 6 uur 13 minuten (538 MB) | Volt, Amsterdam | 2019
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Lieneke Dijkzeul Gouden bergen
In Gouden bergen van Lieneke Dijkzeul wint een koppel drie miljoen euro in de loterij. Alle financiële vrijheid blijkt geen garantie voor geluk: hij kan niet stoppen met drinken, zij begint een relatie met de privétennisleraar. Langzaamaan bouwen de irritaties zich op en willen ze vooral van elkaar af. Tijdens een gezamenlijke vakantie naar de Oostenrijkse bergen kunnen ze niet meer voor hun problemen weglopen. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Nederlands | 58 minuten (56 MB) | AmboAnthos, Amsterdam | 2019
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Lieneke Dijkzeul Een vrouw uit duizenden
Een vrouw uit duizenden is een spannend verhaal van Lieneke Dijkzeul. Ellen heeft kortgeleden haar droomhuis gevonden, een oud boerderijtje aan de dijk, net buiten de stad. Tussen het klussen door probeert ze kennis te maken met haar buren, waaronder de wat oudere, geheimzinnige buurman. Maar kun je iemand echt leren kennen als je nooit voorbij de voordeur bent geweest? Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Nederlands | 15 minuten (14 MB) | AmboAnthos, Amsterdam | 2019
Luisterboek (digitaal)
John Brosens De vrouw die niet zwijgen wilde
Een laboratoriummedewerkster ontdekt dat iemand in het bedrijf sjoemelt om Europese subsidies niet te verliezen en wordt vervolgens bedreigd; samen met een tolk/vertaler bij de EU gaat ze op onderzoek uit.
Fictie | Thriller
Nederlands | 505 pagina's | Mira Loves Books | thriller, Woerden | 2020
Vincent Cobb Nemesis
What really happens to the "lost children" of this world and what really goes on in the mind of a serial killer. Nemesis links a young psychic girl’s vision to a pedophile serial killer’s seven young victims and her efforts to identify the murderer to a young woman police officer before a total mental collapse. The killer remains at large, the horror ceases, but for how long? Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 11 uur 31 minuten (501 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Claes Johansen Anita’s Homecoming
The warm blood trickled over her fingers. His body contracted as he stared at her, a rattling sound passing his lips. Then his knees suddenly caved in and he collapsed in front of her, letting the gun drop onto the floor. She quickly bent down to pick it up. For a moment he lay on the rug staring up at her with profound indignation. It came as no surprise to her. She knew it was a characteristic of psychopaths that for all their ruthlessness towards others, their self-pity was limitless. On a cold...
Engels | 7 uur (322 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Claes Johansen Nicola and the Child Correction Centre
Nicola’s father froze. He slowly put down his knife and fork. She looked at him, shocked to see how he had suddenly turned chalky white. She began to shiver. What did her father know about the Child Correction Centre? From the moment Nicola hears about the Child Correction Centre, her life is turned upside down. She must go through one ordeal after another in order to save mankind from a terrible disaster that some greedy businessmen are about to cause. Claes Johansen (b. 1957) is one of the...
Engels | 3 uur 10 minuten (148 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Jeff Walker Haunted House on Henry Street
Professor Darkk And Miss Shadow are drawn to a haunted house on an abandoned street. They must enter the eerie home and locate the source of the evil that has taken over this section of suburbia. But can they overcome the many horrors awaiting them? Or will they be the next victims to be slaughtered to death by this nightmare of a home? Jeff Walker is a writer from Ontario, Canada. He is the author of several novels and short stories of the science fiction, fantasy and paranormal genre, including...
Engels | 57 minuten (41 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen Burning Guilt - Chapter 4
The Independent Police Complaints Commission has no leads. But after interrogating Johan Boje’s wife and colleagues, Roland Benito is convinced the cop was not a faithful husband. The murderer may have had other motives than those they are working with. They interrogate Johan Boje’s son, Lukas, who was closer to the murder than previously assumed. The investigation takes a new turn when Anne Larsen seeks out Rolando. She tells him what she discovered, and that she suspects that Johan Boje’s interest...
Engels | 52 minuten (38 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Edwin Alexander Theft of the Master
"Theft of the Master" aims to appeal to the reader seeking more from a novel than a good read. This is an intricate web of stories speckled with an assortment of finely described characters spanning different historical periods and continents. The story moves along at a terrific rate and entices the reader to discover how the circle will be completed. This is the story of an ancient religious icon pilfered at the end of WWII and its consequences for a family and a nation. "Theft of the Master" has...
Engels | 10 uur 23 minuten (499 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen Burning Guilt - Chapter 1
Johan Boje, officer with the police force of Central and West Jutland, is killed by a hit-and-run driver in front of his house, during a late night in March. His boss, Axel Borg, is one of the first people at the crime scene and here, he realizes the brutality of the murder. Johan Boje’s nine-year-old son says he saw the car and the driver, whom he claims is a police officer. Is it just the boy’s vivid imagination? When a surveillance camera confirms the son’s claims, Rolando Benito, investigator...
Engels | 55 minuten (40 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen Burning Guilt - Chapter 2
Liv Løkke works at Netto in Paderup, as a checkout girl. She hates the town, herself, her job, and her trivial life; and she barely has to look at the shoppers to know who they are. She knows most people in the neighborhood and their shopping habits. But one day, she has to look at a costumer who buys an item that reminds her of her past, and the fateful day when she saved her brother from the burning house, after a gas explosion killed her mother. It is him...her mother’s lover. He claims to have...
Engels | 54 minuten (39 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen Burning Guilt - Chapter 3
Anne Larsen, journalist with TV2 East Jutland, is covering the case of the officer from Silkeborg who was seemingly hit and killed by a colleague in front of his home. Her interest is seriously piqued by a fire accident that he was secretly investigating. She starts looking at it closer. Why was Johan Boje so interested in that case? Why could he not accept that it was just an accidental gas leak? Inger Gammelgaard Madsen (born 1960) is a Danish author. Madsen was originally a graphic designer....
Engels | 54 minuten (40 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen Burning Guilt - Chapter 5
Liv Løkke has nightmares, after the fire and her past were brought back to her present. She is contacted by Anne Larsen. The journalist has visited her brother, and she is so curious about what she wanted from him, that she reluctantly agrees to meet her at a café in Randers. But the journalist’s claims make her so furious; she leaves the café in a rage. When she sees a newspaper poster that says Johan Boje’s son saw the murderer, she goes to Johan Boje’s house and meets the son in front of his...
Engels | 55 minuten (40 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen Burning Guilt - Chapter 6
After working on a TV segment about an art exhibition opening in Randers, Anne Larsen decides to visit Liv Løkke and her brother. When she arrives at Liv’s address, she sees the door to her apartment is open, and she is afraid something happened to her. Liv is not there, but Anne has her horrible suspicions confirmed. They have to find the killer to prevent them from committing any more murders. It will be a nerve-wrecking challenge for Anne Larsen, Roland Benito, and his coworker. Inger Gammelgaard...
Engels | 53 minuten (39 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
James Lewis Black Sam
The War of Spanish Succession is over, many sailors are out of work, and the thriving American colonies are quickly becoming the place of opportunity. For Sam Bellamy it is the opportunity to become the captain of his own ship. When he falls in love with a rebellious New England debutante, he finds out very quickly that he needs more than a dream to win over her socialite parents. After a failed treasure salvaging expedition, Sam makes one last desperate attempt to change his economic standing and...
Engels | 10 uur 53 minuten (489 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen The Cleaner
Bertram and his three friends have formed a small gang of thieves called The Ravens. He lives alone with his mom, who works as a waitress. He doesn´t remember his father much, as the latter was arrested for murder and sentenced to life imprisonment when Bertram was only seven years old. One day, Bertram steals an expensive "Schott Made in USA" leather jacket from a restaurant, which will have fatal consequences, and not just for Bertram. Rolando Benito, an investigator at the Police Complaints Authority,...
Engels | 4 uur 44 minuten (230 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Stefan Lear Accidental Wizard
Evil is a constant, not a concept, and Evil won't stop until Paul Logan is destroyed. When his girlfriend is violently murdered by a hound of hell, Paul Logan discovers he can wield magic. Since then, not everything is what it seems. In fact, nothing is as it seems. With the help of a mentor, he struggles to learn about his new powers. But when the man who murdered his mother reappears, will he be able to control what happens next? ln a battle filled with blazing guns and formidable magic, Paul attempts...
Engels | 2 uur 25 minuten (105 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)