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L.J. Giebels Sukarno
a biography
Sukarno – a biography is the first English language biography on Sukarno (1901-1970) – the founding father and first president of Indonesia. The book is both a biography of Sukarno and an account of the birth and ascent of the state of Indonesia. The author reveals many little-known facts and events. He makes the reader realize that to understand the character of its first president is to understand today’s Indonesia.. Sukarno was born in 1901 as the son of a schoolteacher in a country that had been...
Engels | 572 pagina's (ePub2, 1,3 MB) | Fosfor, Amsterdam | 2015
Monique Schouten The five principes of effective coaching
meet your unconscious coach and step out of your comfort zone
The five principles of effective coaching Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 95 pagina's (ePub2, 1,2 MB) | Uitgeverij Marmer, Baarn | 2015
New York City
Engels | 336 pagina's | Lonely Planet, [Carlton, Victoria] | 2024
Gedrukt boek
Narina Exelby | Anna Kaminski | Sarah Lempa | Ryan Ver Berkmoes Bali, Lombok & Nusa Tenggara
Engelstalige reisgids voor Bali, Lombok en de Kleine Soenda-eilanden.
Engels | 306 pagina's | Lonely Planet, [Carlton, Victoria] | 2024
Gedrukt boek
Fate, providence and moral responsibility in ancient, medieval and early modern thought
studies in honour of Carlos Steel
Essays on key moments in the intellectual history of the West. This book forms a major contribution to the discussion on fate, providence and moral responsibility in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Early Modern times. Through 37 original papers, renowned scholars from many different countries, as well as a number of young and promising researchers, write the history of the philosophical problems of freedom and determinism since its origins in pre-socratic philosophy up to the seventeenth century....
Engels | Frans | PDF | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2014
New multicultural identities in Europe
religion and ethnicity in secular societies
How to understand Europe's post-migrant Islam on the one hand and indigenous, anti-Islamic movements on the other? What impact will religion have on the European secular world and its regulation? How do social and economic transitions on a transnational scale challenge ethnic and religious identifications? These questions are at the very heart of the debate on multiculturalism in present-day Europe and are addressed by the authors in this book. Through the lens of post-migrant societies, manifestations...
Engels | PDF | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2014
Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen Advising on research methods
proceedings of the 2007 KNAW Colloquium, Amsterdam, March 28-30, 2007
This reader contains a collection of articles based on presentations held at the KNAW Colloquium `Advising on research methods' held in March 2007 in Amsterdam. Contribution by Janice Derr, Hilde Tobi, Gerald van Belle, Victor van Daal, Robert Pool, Jules Ellis, Bo Lu and Herman Adèr on a variety of topics but all related to statistical advising. For a table of contents, see: http://www.knaw.nl/colloquia/advising/index.cfm#proceedings Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 138 pagina's (ePub2, 3,2 MB) | Johannes van Kessel Advising, Huizen | 2014
Aldert Boersma | Erik Vooijs Neil's quest for quality
a TMap® HD story
Neil's Quest for Quality A TMap HD Story The world of IT is changing rapidly, with innovations following one another in breathtaking succession. This applies not only to the field of technology, but also to our way of working. Time-to-market and cost limiting are becoming more important by the day. These new ways of working are occasionally perceived as a threat to the quality of our software products. This book shows the opposite: TMap® HD, a human-driven and quality-driven approach offers opportunities...
Engels | 256 pagina's (ePub2, 1,3 MB) | Sogetibooks, Vianen ut | 2014
Vincent Icke Gravity does not exist
a puzzle for the 21st century
Every scientific fact was born as an opinion about the unknown - a hypothesis. Opinion gradually becomes fact as evidence piles up to support a theory. But what if there are two theories, each of which has produced a myriad of things that correspond perfectly to the phenomena but can't be combined into one? One theory replaced the mystery of gravity with a precise model of space and time. The other theory replaced the mystery of matter with a description of quantum particles. As we understand our...
Engels | 89 pagina's (ePub2, 1,5 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2014
Jan Geurtz Quit smoking in one day
"Quit Smoking In One Day" is one of the most successful books written on ending cigarette addiction. Originally published in Holland and translated into many other languages it is now available in English for the first time. Countless people have quit smoking after reading this book. If you want to quit smoking then this book will help you succeed without withdrawal symptoms, no noticeable weight gain and without using force or self discipline. A proven method used successfully for more than 15 years....
Engels | ePub2, 1 MB | Ambo, Amsterdam | 2014
Joop Hazenberg Next Europe
how the EU can survive in a world of tectonic shifts
"The EU is in deep trouble. As the eurozone crisis keeps raging on, the European dream lies shattered on the ground. Euroscepticism and nationalism are on the rise, tens of millions are unemployed, Great Britain is heading for the exit door, while Russia flexes its muscles and the Middle East burns. Is there any hopeful future for the European Union? Are we going to lose the race with the BRICS? Will Europeans ever truly engage with the EU institutes in Brussels? Next Europe gives some compelling...
Engels | 64 pagina's (ePub2, 0,7 MB) | Fosfor, Amsterdam | 2014
Secrets of Amsterdam
1000 questions & answers
"Secrets of Amsterdam The ebook 'Secrets of Amsterdam' contains more than 50 suggestions on what to do and where to go in Amsterdam: museums, theatres, concert halls and much more. But you have to work for it! Each listing is presented in 15 questions that, we hope, will increase your appetite. Where is Rembrandt buried? How many bicycles are there in Amsterdam? What is the Miracle of Amsterdam? All the answers to the almost 1000 questions are given at the end of each chapter. Learn about the Rijksmuseum,...
Engels | 140 pagina's (ePub2, 6,6 MB) | PixelPerfect Publications, Den Haag | 2014
Satoshi Kikuchi From Eckhart to Ruusbroec
a critical inheritance of mystical themes in the fourteenth century
In this thorough textual, historical, and doctrinal study the author seeks to clarify the relationship between two prominent mystics of the fourteenth century: Meister Eckhart, the German Dominican, and Jan van Ruusbroec, the Brabantine Augustinian. Special attention is paid to Ruusbroec's criticism of mystical tenets circulating in Brabant at that time which were both textually and doctrinally related to Eckhart's condemned propositions in the papal bull In agro dominico. This fact implies that...
Engels | PDF | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2014
Joop van Hezik Reconsidering Utopia
i have simply asked for permission
Joop van Hezik brings philosophy to life, in more ways than one. He shows that the ideology of `economic growth is the basis of our modern societies and economies, and even of our sustainable development policies. In this ideology people and nature seem to be merely instruments for economic growth. This results in destruction and the failure of sustainable development policies at all geographical levels. As Van Hezik clearly demonstrates, we need utopian thinking to reflect on the real values of...
Engels | 221 pagina's (ePub2, 0,9 MB) | Studio nonfiXe, Vught | 2014
Geert Mak The angel of Amsterdam
seven city stories
Many people star in this Amsterdam chronicle but the one and only protagonist is the city itself. The Angel of Amsterdam combines the dissection of the Dutch capital with a series of personal portraits. It brilliantly reveals the magic, the feel, the rituals and the forgotten world behind and beneath present-day Amsterdam. This special edition of The Angel of Amsterdam offers the international audience not only stellar writing by one of the finest of Dutch authors, but also a unique glimpse into...
Engels | 177 pagina's (ePub2, 2,2 MB) | Atlas Contact, Amsterdam | 2014
Joana Taborda | Bruno Carvalho | Daniel James Clarke | Sandra Henriques | Marlene Marques | Maria Sena Portugal
Engels | 424 pagina's | Lonely Planet, [Carlton, Victoria] | 2023
Gedrukt boek
Katrien Schaubroeck The normativity of what we care about
a love-based theory of practical reasons
A love-based reason theory as a new perspective in the debate on practical reasons. Reasons and obligations pervade our lives. The alarm clock gives us a reason to get up in the morning, the expectations of colleagues or clients give us a reason to do our jobs well, the misery in developing countries gives us a reason to donate money to Oxfam, a headache gives us a reason to take an aspirin. Looking for unity in variety, philosophers wonder why a consideration counts as a reason to do something....
Engels | 207 pagina's (PDF) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2013
Jan C. van der Heide Anna
dancing in my mind
ANNA - dancing in my mind For those who knew her, Anna van der Heide had become a household word. Her name stood for love, warmth, humanity and kindness. She was for one and all a large loving mothers heart. Anna, the wife of psychic and hypnotherapist Jan C. van der Heide, has passed away. Jan wrote this book about his dearly beloved Anna. `The flower of his heart, the woman he owes so unprecedented much to. While reading, we can bask in her unlimited love, and in her deep warmth and spirituality....
Engels | 150 pagina's (PDF, 14 MB) | Citadel, Oegstgeest | 2013
Herman Van der Wee | Monique Verbreyt A small nation in the turmoil of the Second World War
money, finance and occupation (Belgium, its enemies, its friends, 1939-1945)
Based on intensive research in the archives of six countries, this monograph presents an in-depth analysis of Belgium's monetary and financial history during the Second World War. Exploring Belgium's financial and business links with Germany, France, The Netherlands, Great Britain, the United States, and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the study focuses on the roles played in this complex wartime network by the Central Bank and private bankers in Brussels, by the Belgian government in exile in London,...
Engels | 494 pagina's (PDF, 5,9 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2013