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Resultaat 561 - 580 (van 693)
Rik Marselis | Ewald Roodenrijs The PointZERO vision
stop wasting time and money
"Stop wasting time and money PointZERO® is a vision aimed at increasing business success by parallel and step-by-step improvement across the application lifecycle, to shorten time to market, avoid and reduce cost, eliminate risk, and reach fit for purpose quality."
Engels | 151 pagina's (ePub2, 5,4 MB) | Sogetibooks, Vianen UT | 2012
Peter de Ruiter Holland, as we see it
"Holland, as we see it This striking photo ebook about Holland is the labour of love of 140 Dutch photographers who spend most of their free time capturing the towns and landscapes of their country in the best light. Altogether they present you with a multicolored image of a country known for its cheese, tulips and windmills. But of course there is much more to discover: the woods, the sea, the animals, the seasons, the architecture and the people themselves. They are all in this ebook,accompanied...
Engels | ePub2 | PixelPerfect Publications, Den Haag | 2012
Orpheus Institute Dramma giocoso
four contemporary perspectives on the Mozart/Da Ponte operas
The three Mozart/Da Ponte operas offer an inexhaustible wellspring for critical reflection, possessing a complexity and equivocation common to all great humane works. They have the potential to reflect and refract whatever locus of contemporaneity may be the starting point for enquiry. Thus, even postmodern and postmillennial concerns, far from seeming irrelevant to these operas, are instead given new perspectives by them, whilst the music and the dramatic situations have the multivalency to accept...
Engels | 140 pagina's (PDF) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2012
Ben Tiggelaar Dream, dare, do
managing the most difficult person on earth: yourself
Everybody has dreams related to work, relationships, health, personal development But what is needed to change the phase of dreaming, into daring and finally into doing? What is the secret of real, permanent change? -Why do we find it so hard to change? -What determines 95% of your behavior (without you noticing it)? -How do you develop new, effective habits successfully? Ben Tiggelaar gives clear answers. Based on current psychological insights, practical experience and personal stories of people...
Engels | 113 pagina's (ePub2, 1,2 MB) | Tyler Roland Press, Soest | 2012
H. van der Cammen | Len de Klerk | Gerhard Dekker | P.P. Witsen The selfmade land
culture and evolution of urban and regional planning in the Netherlands
Nederland is één van de meest dichtbevolkte landen ter wereld. Dan moet je verstandig omgaan met de beschikbare ruimte. Waar gaan we werken, waar wonen en waar vakantie houden? Wat bebouwen en wat blijft ongerept? Nergens ter wereld wordt daar zo grondig over nagedacht als in Nederland. Internationaal geldt Nederland als gidsland op het gebied van de ruimtelijke ordening. Vanwege deze positie, en om aan de vraag vanuit het Engelstalige onderwijs te voorzien, verschijnt nu deze geheel herziene,...
Engels | 366 pagina's (ePub2, 11 MB) | Spectrum, Houten | 2012
Henricus Gandavensis Syncategoremata
Henrico de Gandavo adscripta
The Stadsbibliotheek of Brugge houses a manuscript (ms. 510, f. 227ra-237vb) that holds a short logical text on the Syncategoremata, e.g. words that are not subjects or predicates in proposition. In this manuscript the text is ascribed to Henry of Ghent, who was a leading thinker of the second half of the thirteenth century. The highly interesting text contains some typical themes of Henry of Ghent, e.g. the distinction between esse essentiae and esse existentiae, which further supports the attribution...
Engels | Latijn | 160 pagina's (PDF, 2,7 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2011
Ewald Roodenrijs TMap NEXT testing clouds
TMap NEXT® Testing Clouds is different from its TMap predecessors. Whereas the books in the TMap series are handbooks with step-by-step information, this book is an innovation, about testing clouds for the early adopter. It describes the cloud business model for testing, Business Technology and steps we took in cloud projects. The Cloud is still at an early stage, but the growth of cloud-based computing is outstripping even the most optimistic predictions. Its early 2011 and almost all forecasts...
Engels | 160 pagina's (ePub2, 7,3 MB) | Kleine Uil, Vianen ut | 2011
Hans Peter Roel Qi
the journey of your life
"Qi, The Journey of Your Life In this exciting and gripping book, Qi, The Journey of Your Life, we meet a stressed businessman, Peter. He seems to have it all, but inside he only has chaos. To make sure he doesn't get burned out, Peter has to change his life drastically. In a Buddhist monastery, up high in the Himalayas, he learns about the universal power of Qi. Qi is an ancient secret of the monastery. In order to successfully learn about Qi and its powers, Peter must endure life in the monastery...
Engels | ePub2, 0,6 MB | NEXT Company, Baarn | 2011
René C.W. Boender Great to cool
brain candies with a bite!
René C.W. Boender (1958) was barely twenty years old when his international career in marketing and advertising took off. The American McCann company offered him the chance of a lifetime! He participated in a number of advertising campaigns for major brands, among which were Goodyear and Coca-Cola, Ola and L'Oréal, and also Nestlé and H&M. At the start of the nineties he established his own agency: BBCW. As of the year 2000 he tours the world as a keynote speaker, guest lecturer, and con- sultant...
Engels | 288 pagina's (ePub2, 4,2 MB) | Bertram + de Leeuw Uitgevers, Haarlem | 2011
Greg Houwer Into the white
Kafka and his metamorphoses
Into the White lays bare a hidden overall logic in Kafka's work. Instead of restoring an initial but perturbed balance - the standard pattern for a piece of fiction -, Kafka's characters always do the opposite: they do everything they can to maintain the imbalance. The book shows how this should be linked to Kafka's own attitude as a writer. Writing, for Kafka, always gave birth to promises that could not be kept. It opens up gates that the writer is not allowed to enter. In the stories that deal...
Engels | ePub2, 0,3 MB | Acco, Leuven | 2011
Vice city virtue
moral issues in digital game play
"In recent years, digital games have evolved into an entertainment form that is extensively debated and investigated. Particularly the moral issues surrounding this new medium are marked with high priority on the agenda of academic and political institutions. To date, morality in digital games is being studied in several disciplines, including the humanities, social sciences, psychology, moral philosophy and human-computer studies. Findings remain fragmented and are hardly shared on an interdisciplinary...
Engels | 386 pagina's (ePub2, 1,4 MB) | Acco, Leuven | 2011
Nicoline van der Sijs Cookies, coleslaw, and stoops
the influence of Dutch on the North American Languages
In 1609, the first Dutch settlers arrived in America and established trading posts, small towns, and forts up and down what we now call the Hudson River. To this day, American children are taught the thrilling history of the transformation of this settlement, New Netherland, and its capital, New Amsterdam, from landmark port into present-day New York State and the island of Manhattan. But, the Dutch legacy extended far beyond New York, as Cookies, Coleslaw and Stoops reveals.From Santa Claus (after...
Engels | 320 pagina's (ePub2, 11 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2011
Ellen Van Praet The dual voice of power
an ethnographic perspective on meetings
"The Dual Voice of Power discloses the duality of the discourse around meetings, with a proclaimed ideology of shared power, shared knowledge and equal opportunities masking and covering up an authority-based system promoting status differences and inequality. Relying on participant observation, audio recordings and interviews the book uncovers the subtle political and ideological processes that underlie the event of a weekly gathering of Heads of Section at an embassy. The book juxtaposes participants...
Engels | ePub2, 1 MB | Acco, Leuven | 2011
Whose weight is it anyway?
essays on ethics and eating
It is a simple truth: nobody can do without food. But to solely describe food as a biological need would be too limited, neglecting the fact that food is a social and cultural practice as well. Despite its appearance, food is not even morally neutral. It is this moral aspect that is being explored in the book. Scholars from various disciplines address the ethical perspective of changing food habits in general, and the promotion of healthy eating in particular. While it is certainly the case that...
Engels | ePub2, 0,4 MB | Acco, Leuven | 2011
S. Bais The equations
icons of knowledge
Ook verkrijgbaar in het Nederlands onder 9789053567142 Een bijzonder vormgegeven boek waarin de meest fundamentele natuurwetten op een toegankelijke wijze worden weergegeven. Al duizenden jaren probeert de mens de natuur te doorgronden. Met steeds vernuftigere instrumenten zijn we in staat geweest om enkele van de grootste raadsels om ons heen te ontrafelen. Onder een overweldigende berg feiten hebben we een aantal fundamentele natuurwetten ontdekt, die de structuur en evolutie van de fysische werkelijkheid...
Engels | 96 pagina's (ePub2, 1,2 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2011
Aaltje Vincent | Jacco Valkenburg Career management via LinkedIn
using your online network to find new work or challenging assignments
Networking is the way for finding new work. And this is done more and more online. LinkedIn has become an enormously popular network for maintaining business contacts, making it the perfect tool if you want to be found. How does LinkedIn work exactly? How can you use your online network to find a new job and new assignments? How do recruiters work and how can you use that knowledge to your advantage? All these questions are answered in this book. But it also offers a practical step-by-step approach...
Engels | ePub2, 1 MB | Spectrum, Amsterdam | 2011
Caroline De Cock iLobby.eu
survival guide to EU lobbying, including the use of social media
What is an efficient EU lobbying strategy? Are there dos and donts you should be aware of, as a businessman or lobbyist? What is the use made of social media by EU institutions and politicians? iLobby.eu sets out how to lobby the EU from the perspective of an actual lobbyist sharing her experience (both good and bad). It also looks at the social media tools that must be taken into consideration when campaigning and details examples of worst and best practices. The book encompasses three parts: -...
Engels | ePub2, 2,8 MB | Eburon, Delft | 2010
G.D.C. Kuiken The original Gita
comments and word-for-word Sanskrit translations
The original gita Comments and Word-for-Word Sanskrit Translations Available in English for the first time, The Original Gita focuses on the basic philosophical and practical essentials of life and living. The questions:What is thought? What is space-time? What is life-death? are examined to give a foundation for the understanding of the Gita. The author comments on the 209 verses of The Original Gita, and a Sanskrit-to-English word-for-word translation is given of the 319 verses in the classic Bhagavad...
Engels | 192 pagina's (ePub2, 0,4 MB) | SU De Ronde Tafel, 's-Gravenhage | 2010
Roderik Bender | Theo IJzermans How can I turn a mountain back into a molehill?
rational effectiveness training for advanced students
How Can I Turn a Mountain Back into a Molehill? Rational Effectiveness Training for Advanced Students The enormous success of The Stumbling Blocks of the Mind makes one thing eminently clear: there is a great need for a method to improve the way that we deal with certain work situations that cause stress, frustration and non-productive behaviour. Rational Effectiveness Training (RET) is exactly that kind of method. With 'How Can I Turn a Mountain Back into a Molehill?' IJzermans and Bender have produced...
Engels | 106 pagina's (ePub2, 1,8 MB) | Thema, Zaltbommel | 2010