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Barend Schuurman J.S Bach
Matthäus-Passion; over de achtergronden van het libretto
Meer dan veertig jaar is Barend Schuurman al gefascineerd door het werk van Bach. Als dirigent raakte hij ook steeds meer geïnteresseerd in de achtergronden van het libretto in samenhang en wisselwerking met Bachs muziek. Hierbij ontdekte Schuurman dat maar weinig zangers raad wisten met de teksten van Bach. Vaak wist men niet om wie of wat het handelde in het libretto. Voor alle Bach-liefhebbers is dit dan ook een uniek boek dat meer inzicht zal geven in het werk van de meester. Bron: Flaptekst,...
Nederlands | 118 pagina's (PDF, 3,9 MB) | Uitgeverij Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2008
L.N. Tolstoj Verzamelde werken
Dit zevende deel van Tolstojs Verzamelde werken bevat zijn toneelwerken: De nihilist, Een besmette familie, Het levende lijk e.a.
Nederlands | ePub2, 9,6 MB | Van Oorschot, Amsterdam | 1966
Ronald van de Vate Hart voor Glas
het succesverhaal van Glas, de met een Oscar bekroonde film van Bert Haanstra
Beschrijving van de ontstaansgeschiedenis van de documentaire ‘Glas’ (1958), waarmee filmmaker Bert Haanstra als eerste Nederlander een Oscar won. Rijkelijk geïllustreerd.
Nederlands | 107 pagina's | Uitgave Nabij Producties, [Nijkerk] | 2022
Gedrukt boek
Karl Ruhrberg | Manfred Schneckenburger | Christiane Fricke | Honnef | Ingo F. Walther Kunst van de 20e eeuw
schilderkunst, beeldhouwkunst, nieuwe media, fotografie
Overzicht van de stromingen in vooral de westerse kunst van 1900 tot 2000.
Nederlands | 840 pagina's | Taschen, Köln | 2013
Gedrukt boek
Ben Valkhoff Joke Bruijs
Swingend door het leven
Biografie van de Nederlandse zangeres, actrice en comédienne Joke Bruijs.
Nederlands | 172 pagina's | Trichis, Rotterdam | 2012
Gedrukt boek
Leo Blokhuis Haags speelkwartier
scènes uit de muziekwinkel
Geschiedenis van de Haagse muziekwinkel Servaas tegen de achtergrond van de jaren zestig van de 20e eeuw.
Nederlands | 125 pagina's | Ambo, Amsterdam | 2012
Gedrukt boek
Hans de Bruijn Atelier
vijftig kunstenaarsportretten
Fotoboek met korte interviews met bekende Nederlandse kunstenaars over hun werkplek.
Nederlands | 216 pagina's | 99 Uitgevers/Publishers, Haarlem | 2009
Gedrukt boek
The book of requiems
from the earliest ages to the present period
Few western musical repertories speak more to the imagination than the Requiem mass for the dead. Yet, surprisingly, despite the significance of Requiem settings for our musical culture, the literature concerning them is sparse. The Book of Requiems presents essays on the most important works in this tradition, from the origins of the genre up to the present day. Each chapter is devoted to a specific Requiem, and offers both historical information and a detailed work-discussion. Conceived as a multi-volume...
Engels | 274 pagina's (PDF, 7,8 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2023
KuroDalaiJee Anarchy of the body
undercurrents of performance art in 1960s Japan
In Anarchy of the Body, art historian KuroDalaiJee sheds light on vital pieces of postwar Japanese avant-garde history by contextualizing the social, cultural, and political trajectories of artists across Japan in the 1960s. A culmination of years of research, Anarchy of the Body draws on an extensive breadth of source material to reveal how the practice of performance by individual artists and art groups during this period formed a legacy of resistance against institutionalization, both within the...
Engels | PDF, 57 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2023
Kitazawa Noriaki | Kuresawa Takemi | Mitsuda Yuri History of Japanese art after 1945
institutions, discourse, practice
History of Japanese Art after 1945 surveys the development of art in Japan since WWII. The original Japanese work, which has become essential reading for those with an interest in modern and contemporary Japanese art and is a foundational resource for students and researchers, spans a period of 150 years, from the 1850s to the 2010s. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific period and written by a specialist. The English edition first discusses the formation and evolution of Japanese contemporary...
Engels | PDF, 12 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2023
Dirk Lauwaert Selected writings, 1983-2008
Radically subjective. Radically unapologetic. Radically demanding. These are the hallmarks of Dirk Lauwaert's skill, attitude, and sensitivity, which are the result of radical attention. Belgian writer and critic Dirk Lauwaert (1944-2013) wrote about images, be they moving or still, historical or contemporary, overfamiliar or unseen. He experienced them intensely, studied them attentively, and connected them to ethical, philosophical, or social issues in texts that invited readers to do the same,...
Engels | 205 pagina's (PDF, 1,3 MB) | Leuven University Press, [Leuven] | 2023
Sam Bettens All I am
After the release of their hit song 'Not an addict' in 1996, the Belgian band K' Choice started a wild ride along some of the world's biggest festivals. Being an unconventional band right from the start, they forged their own path in the music industry with Sam Bettens as their rebellious leader. But how much space for your true identity is there when you're standing in front of thousands of people? Sam Bettens has spent his entire life searching for who he is and how he was shaped that way. Is he...
Engels | 83 pagina's (ePub2, 2,9 MB) | Das Mag Publishers, Amsterdam | 2023
Dirk Lauwaert Selected Writings, 1983-2004
Radically subjective. Radically unapologetic. Radically demanding. These are the hallmarks of Dirk Lauwaert's skill, attitude, and sensitivity, which are the result of radical attention. Belgian writer and critic Dirk Lauwaert (1944-2013) wrote about images, be they moving or still, historical or contemporary, overfamiliar or unseen. He experienced them intensely, studied them attentively, and connected them to ethical, philosophical, or social issues in texts that invited readers to do the same,...
Engels | ePub2, 0,8 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2023
Liefde voor tekenen
kunstenaars kiezen uit de collectie
Overzicht in woord en beeld van de 567 kunstwerken uit de voormalige NOG Collectie, in 2021 geschonken aan Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, met commentaren van hedendaagse kunstenaars Fatima Barznge, Susanna Inglada en Koen Taselaar, die hun artistieke praktijk en liefde voor tekenkunst toelichten.
Nederlands | 141 pagina's | WBOOKS, Zwolle | 2024
Gedrukt boek
Anthon Beeke Dutch Posters 1997-2017
a selection
Selectie van driehonderdvijftig culturele posters uit de periode 1997-2017.
Nederlands | 223 pagina's | Saiid/Smale, [Amsterdam] | 2018
Gedrukt boek
Sarah Hegenbart From Bayreuth to Burkina Faso
Christoph Schlingensief’s Opera Village Africa as postcolonial Gesamtkunstwerk?
Opera Village Africa, a participatory art experiment by the late German multimedia artist Christoph Schlingensief, serves as a testing ground for a critical interrogation of Richard Wagner's notion of the Gesamtkunstwerk. Sarah Hegenbart traces the path from Wagner's introduction of the Gesamtkunstwerk in Bayreuth to Schlingensief's attempt to charge the idea of the total artwork with new meaning by transposing it to the West African country Burkina Faso. Schlingensief developed Opera Village in...
Engels | PDF, 16 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
The book of requiems
from the earliest ages to the present period
Few western musical repertories speak more to the imagination than the Requiem mass for the dead. The Book of Requiems presents in-depth essays on the most important works in this tradition, from the origins of the genre up to the present day. Each chapter is devoted to a specific Requiem, and offers both historical information and a detailed work-discussion. Conceived as a multi-volume essay collection by leading experts, The Book of Requiems is an authoritative reference publication intended as...
Engels | PDF, 5,1 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Urban Andes
design-led explorations to tackle climate change
Against the backdrop of climate change and intensifying human occupation, explorative design strategies can play a role in recalibrating the relation between landscape logics and urbanization patterns in the Andes. Urban Andes marks the start of the new series LAP on innovative design research in architecture, urbanism, and landscape. It is the result of a two-year collaboration (2018-2020), initiated by the CCA in cooperation with KU Leuven and various partners, including local organizations and...
Engels | 160 pagina's (PDF, 91 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Kadoc Territories of faith
religion, urban planning and demographic change in post-war Europe
In the 1950s and 1960s, thousands of churches were built across Europe in an attempt to keep up with the continent's rapid urbanisation. This book addresses the immense effort related to the planning, financing, and construction of this new religious infrastructure. Going beyond aspects of style and liturgy, and transcending a focus on particular architects or regions, this volume considers church building at the crossroads of pastoral theology, religious sociology, and urban planning. Presenting...
Engels | PDF, 6,3 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Olga Smith Contemporary photography in France
between theory and practice
This compelling publication traces the broad arc of photography's development in France from the 1970s to the present day. A decade-by-decade account reveals unexpected points of convergence between practices that are not usually considered in a comparative perspective. These include photographic practices in contemporary art, documentary, photojournalism, and fashion. Author Olga Smith sets these practices in dialogue with French philosophy - the writings of Roland Barthes, Jean Baudrillard, and...
Engels | PDF, 13 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022