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Resultaat 961 - 980 (van 989)
The sparking discipline of criminology
John Braithwaite and the construction of critical social science and social justice
With a contribution by John Braithwaite himself: 'Opportunities and dangers of capitalist criminology'. Over the past decades, the Australian social scientist John Braithwaite (1951) has played a crucial role in the development of international criminology. He is universally considered one of the most renowned criminologists of our times and he has characteristically put his scientific engagement at the service of humanity and society by aiming at social justice, participative democracy, sustainable...
Engels | 165 pagina's (PDF, 14 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
'A truly golden handbook'
the scholarly quest for Utopia
'A Truly Golden Handbook, No Less Instructive than Delightful, by the Most Learned and Distinguished Professors of the Renowned University of Leuven.' 500 Years Utopia. What would the ideal society of the future look like? In 1516, the eminent English humanist Thomas More tried his hand at imagining a perfect society on a distant island. His Utopia was published in the Flemish town of Leuven, home of a university that was established almost a century earlier. 500 years later, scholars of this university...
Engels | 576 pagina's (PDF, 6,6 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Lectures for the XXIst century
What preoccupies scientists today? What is the impact of their ideas and discoveries on ourselves and on our society? This question is the starting point of the 'Lectures for the twenty-first century'. Parallel to the established Dutch series, this year for the first time an English edition was organized. This first English edition offers an international audience a glimpse behind the scenes of the laboratories, the work shops or the studies and shows how linguistic justice, the history of Belgium,...
Engels | 286 pagina's (PDF, 2,4 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Lectures for the XXIst century
The university is a nerve centre of society. This glimpse behind the scenes of the laboratories, workshops and classrooms of K.U.Leuven reveal what preoccupies scientists today, and how their ideas and discoveries impact our world. This second annual series of lectures in English includes such highlights as J.J. Cassiman on Genetics and Genomics, R. Merckx on Food in Africa, G. Verbeeck on The Future of History, and a great deal more. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 300 pagina's (PDF, 5,4 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
R. Elsen | Ignace Pollet | Patrick Develtere Compass for intercultural partnerships
a thought provoking book to deploy the integration of cultures as a source of welfare and tolerance in a glocalising world
As globalisation makes the visual distinction between North and South, East and West disappear, one definitely needs a compass. It still points to magnetic North. For the moment. This book focuses on the added value created by interculturality which is the interaction, exchange and integration between people of different cultures. The reflexions are aimed at profit and non-profit organisations who have the ambition to be enriched and strengthened by their cultural diversity. This publication states...
Engels | 162 pagina's (PDF, 2,4 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Stef Feyen Beyond federal dogmatics
the influence of European Union law on Belgian constitutional case law regarding federalism
Rethinking the relationship between EU law and Belgian national law. The relationship between EU law and national constitutional law, including constitutional law in federalism matters, has been subject to an ongoing scholarly debate. This monograph contributes to this debate in two ways. The author argues for an approach to constitutional law that goes beyond the classic - coined dogmatic - understanding of constitutional case law regarding federalism as expounded in Belgian academia. Building on...
Engels | 280 pagina's (PDF, 1,6 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
The European Company law action plan revisited
reassessment of the 2003 priorities of the European Commission
The harmonisation of company law has always been on the agenda of the European Union. Besides the protection of third parties affected by business transactions, the founders had two other objectives: first, promoting freedom of establishment, and second, preventing the abuse of such freedom. In fact, the fear of the Netherlands becoming the 'Delaware of Europe' (in terms of competition among Member States) seemed real, until, ironically, at the beginning of the 21st century, it was the privilege...
Engels | 376 pagina's (PDF, 5,2 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Ferdi Bekken Geld en geweld
armoede en schulden in afhankelijkheidsrelaties
Analyse van de problemen waarin mensen verkeren door een combinatie van schulden, armoede en huiselijk geweld, met praktische adviezen aan hulpverleners.
Nederlands | 156 pagina's | Uitgeverij SWP, Amsterdam | 2018
Gedrukt boek
Re:Thinking Europe
thoughts on Europe: past, present and future
What are the characteristics of European culture and identity? In which way can culture contribute to the current crisis of meaning within the EU and Europe? And should we return to the discourse of culture and historical experience in order to find a common ground for Europe? In the run-up to the Forum we will publish an anthology on these urgent questions. A host of prominent and influential thinkers such as political scientist Ivan Krastev and historians Philipp Blom and Adam Zamoyski have been...
Engels | 318 pagina's (PDF, 1,9 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2016
Joop Hazenberg Next Europe
how the EU can survive in a world of tectonic shifts
"The EU is in deep trouble. As the eurozone crisis keeps raging on, the European dream lies shattered on the ground. Euroscepticism and nationalism are on the rise, tens of millions are unemployed, Great Britain is heading for the exit door, while Russia flexes its muscles and the Middle East burns. Is there any hopeful future for the European Union? Are we going to lose the race with the BRICS? Will Europeans ever truly engage with the EU institutes in Brussels? Next Europe gives some compelling...
Engels | 64 pagina's (ePub2, 0,7 MB) | Fosfor, Amsterdam | 2014
Patrick Develtere How do we help?
the free market of development aid
The balance sheet of 50 years of development aidOver the past 50 years the West has invested over 3000 billion euro in development aid and already tackled many problems. Now more and more countries and organisations present themselves on the development aid scene, including China, India, and foundations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Companies, trade unions, co-operatives, schools and towns set up their own projects in remote African regions. But can each and everybody become a development...
Engels | 266 pagina's (PDF, 2,1 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2012
Vice city virtue
moral issues in digital game play
"In recent years, digital games have evolved into an entertainment form that is extensively debated and investigated. Particularly the moral issues surrounding this new medium are marked with high priority on the agenda of academic and political institutions. To date, morality in digital games is being studied in several disciplines, including the humanities, social sciences, psychology, moral philosophy and human-computer studies. Findings remain fragmented and are hardly shared on an interdisciplinary...
Engels | 386 pagina's (ePub2, 1,4 MB) | Acco, Leuven | 2011
Ellen Van Praet The dual voice of power
an ethnographic perspective on meetings
"The Dual Voice of Power discloses the duality of the discourse around meetings, with a proclaimed ideology of shared power, shared knowledge and equal opportunities masking and covering up an authority-based system promoting status differences and inequality. Relying on participant observation, audio recordings and interviews the book uncovers the subtle political and ideological processes that underlie the event of a weekly gathering of Heads of Section at an embassy. The book juxtaposes participants...
Engels | ePub2, 1 MB | Acco, Leuven | 2011
Whose weight is it anyway?
essays on ethics and eating
It is a simple truth: nobody can do without food. But to solely describe food as a biological need would be too limited, neglecting the fact that food is a social and cultural practice as well. Despite its appearance, food is not even morally neutral. It is this moral aspect that is being explored in the book. Scholars from various disciplines address the ethical perspective of changing food habits in general, and the promotion of healthy eating in particular. While it is certainly the case that...
Engels | ePub2, 0,4 MB | Acco, Leuven | 2011
W.J. Deetman Seksueel misbruik van en geweld tegen meisjes in de Rooms-Katholieke kerk
een vervolgonderzoek
Enkele tienduizenden slachtoffers in Nederland. Dat was een van de schokkendste conclusies van het onafhankelijk onderzoek naar seksueel misbruik van minderjarigen in de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk onder leiding van Wim Deetman, dat in december 2011 werd gepubliceerd. De reacties op het rapport zorgden voor nieuwe vragen, met name naar de positie van meisjes. Die komt aan de orde in dit vervolgonderzoek naar het seksuele misbruik van en geweld tegen meisjes. Het levert opnieuw een onthutsende kijk op...
Nederlands | 448 pagina's | Balans, Amsterdam | 2013
Gedrukt boek
Eunice Anita Ken, ami ta?
asistiendo e profeshonal pa e rekupera su alegria i pas interno
E imágen ideal di un profeshonal: determiná, proaktivo, fuerte i semper okupá. E realidat di hopi profeshonal: fuerte di pafo i preokupá di paden. E persona interno di e profeshonal tin mester di yudansa. E buki aki ta kontené informashon pa yuda abo, e profeshonal, meditá riba e preguntanan ken mi ta i kon mi ta kuida mi persona interno. Tribi di hasi bo mes e pregunta: Ken, ami ta? Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Papiaments | 40 pagina's (ePub2, 0,4 MB) | Highly Favored Publishing, Veenendaal | 2020
Eunice Anita ¿Qué clase de líder soy?
ayudando a líderes a redescubrir el diseño original de liderazgo
Estar a cargo significa asumir responsabilidades, y también tener la oportunidad de establecer el rumbo de la vela del barco. Por lo general, al comienzo del viaje como un líder, uno es alerta en su manera de trabajar y comunicarse. Con el pasar del tiempo y al surgir circunstancias, decepciones y situaciones inesperadas, las cosas suelen cambiar mucho. ¿Todavía recuerdas cuál es la esencia y la alegría de ser un líder? Este libro es para ayudarte a (re)descubrir el diseño de Dios para el...
Spaans | 64 pagina's (ePub2) | Highly Favored Publishing, Veenendaal | 2020
Duvilène Pieter | Eunice Anita ¿Puedo lograr mas en la vida?
asistiendo a hombres y a mujeres redescubrir su propósito en la vida
Un sentimiento que todos experienciamos es el de querer lograr más en la vida. A veces es impulsado por lo que vemos a nuestro alrededor y a veces es sólo un deseo de demostrar que uno puede hacer mucho más de lo que otros ven o perciben. ¿Podría ser que hay una razón más profunda para querer lograr más en la vida? Descubrir o redescubrir el propósito de uno en la vida es la respuesta que da pasos al deseo de querer lograr más en la vida en el espíritu, cuerpo y alma del hombre. Este libro...
Spaans | 60 pagina's (ePub2, 2,9 MB) | Highly Favored Publishing, Veenendaal | 2020
Eunice Anita ¿Quién soy yo?
asistiendo a profesionales recuperar la alegría y la paz interior
La imagen ideal de un profesional: decidido, proactivo, fuerte y siempre ocupado. La realidad de muchos profesionales: Fuerte por fuera y preocupado por dentro. El hombre interior del profesional está en necesidad de asistencia. Este libro contiene información para ayudarte a ti, el profesional, a reflexionar en cuanto a la pregunta de quién eres realmente y cómo cuidas a tu hombre interior. Atrévete a preguntar: ¿Quién soy yo? Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Spaans | 44 pagina's (ePub2, 0,4 MB) | Highly Favored Publishing, Veenendaal | 2020
Thomas a Kempis
stap in de verrassende wereld van zijn spiritualiteit; liefde, mystiek, levenskunst
Artikelen over de Moderne Devotie en Thomas a Kempis (1379/80-1471), en over bekende en minder bekende Nederlanders die zich door dat gedachtegoed laten inspireren.
Nederlands | 80 pagina's | Boekencentrum, [Zoetermeer] | 2013
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