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Resultaat 81 - 83 (van 83)
Reinoud Eleveld | Isabel Timmers De kunst van zelfbeminning
Er is een kant van seksualiteit die in het Westen vrijwel onbelicht is: die van de transformatieseksualiteit. Gerenommeerd Taotrainer Reinoud Eleveld brengt de technieken van transformatieseksualiteit onder de naam Vallei-orgasme naar onze maatschappij. Met deze technieken leer je hoe je seksuele energie - niets anders dan pure levenskracht - je bewustzijn kan vergroten. Je krijgt meer energie. Je leert je eigen grenzen beter voelen en respecteren. Je versterkt de verbinding tussen je hart en je...
Nederlands | 76 pagina's (ePub2, 1,1 MB) | Val-lei orgasme, [Eindhoven] | 2021
Evert Heintz Flow for life
Discover your unprecedented capabilities with the pyramid of insight
"Suddenly the ground disappeared from under my feet and I fell into the abyss. During my 15 meter fall I landed on a snow bridge which saved my life as the crevasse was at least fifty meters deep." As a person you can do much more than you think! In this fascinating book you will learn to discover your unprecedented capabilities and thus increase the flow and energy in your own life. After a near-death experience, author and mountaineer Evert Heintz learned to look differently at his energy. He developed...
Engels | 268 pagina's (ePub2, 12 MB) | Heintz, Heemskerk | 2024
Emiel de Boer Divine response to Anti-Semitism
The Everlasting Covenant in Progress
Only few peoples have suffered so much from discrimination and persecution as the Jewish people. In Roman times, after three failed uprisings against Rome, the Jewish people were scattered throughout the Roman Empire and in later times throughout the world. The scattering throughout the world took place in the manner prophesied by Moses. He also correctly prophesied the discrimination and persecutions that would continue to haunt the Jewish people. But God also showed Moses the return of the Jews...
Engels | ePub3, 2,6 MB | Aspekt Publishers, Soesterberg | 2024