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TPI Next
business driven, test process, improvement
TPI® NEXT, the Business Driven Test Process Improvement model Over the past ten years, TPI® has proved to be the leading methodology to assess the maturity of an organizations or projects test process. This is a success we, at Sogeti, are very proud of. But this success by no means implies that we are `done and can rest on our laurels. Sogetis answer to this need: TPI® NEXT, the Business Driven Test Process Improvement model (BDTPI). The strengths of the original model (Key areas, Maturity levels,...
Engels | 5 pagina's (ePub2, 3,8 MB) | Kleine Uil, Vianen UT | 2013
Véronique Caplain Deuxième étape
Frans voor beginners
Studiemethode Frans voor niveau A2. Met cd's.
Nederlands | 248 pagina's | Coutinho, Bussum | 2013
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Anna Bijns Meer zuurs dan zoets
refreinen en rondelen
Gedichten van de 16de-eeuwse Antwerpse dichteres Anna Bijns met prozavertaling in hedendaags Nederlands en commentaar.
Nederlands | 265 pagina's | Prometheus, Amsterdam | 2013
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Sigmund Freud Museum Psychoanalysis, monotheism and morality
symposia of the Sigmund Freud Museum 2009-2011
In this volume renowned experts in psychoanalysis reflect on the relationship between psychoanalysis and religion, in particular presenting various controversial interpretations of the question if and to what extent monotheism semantically and structurally fits psychoanalytic insights. Some essays augment traditional religious critiques of Freudianism with later religio-philosophical theories on, for example, femininity. Others explore the relation between psychopathology and morality from the Freudian...
Engels | 211 pagina's | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2013
Humanistica Lovaniensia Volume LVII Volume LVII - 2008
journal of Neo-Latin Studies
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies, published annually, is the leading journal in the field of medieval, Renaissance, and modern Latin. As well as presenting articles on Neo-Latin topics, the journal is a major source for critical editions of Neo-Latin texts with translations and commentaries. Its systematic bibliography of Neo-Latin studies (Instrumentum bibliographicum Neolatinum), accompanied by critical notes, is the standard annual bibliography of publications in the field....
meerdere talen | 428 pagina's (PDF, 6,4 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven (BE), Leuven | 2013
Véronique Caplain Deuxième étape
Frans voor beginners
Werkboek van de gelijknamige studiemethode Frans voor niveau A2.
Nederlands | 183 pagina's | Coutinho, Bussum | 2013
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