Zoekresultaten voor: *
Resultaat 101 - 120 (van 130)
Music, analysis, experience
new perspectives in musical semiotics
Transdisciplinary and intermedial analysis of the experience of music. Nowadays musical semiotics no longer ignores the fundamental challenges raised by cognitive sciences, ethology, or linguistics. Creation, action and experience play an increasing role in how we understand music, a sounding structure impinging upon our body, our mind, and the world we live in. Not discarding music as a closed system, an integral experience of music demands a transdisciplinary dialogue with other domains as well....
Engels | 356 pagina's (PDF, 5,1 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Barbara Titus Recognizing music as an art form
Friedrich Th. Vischer and German music criticism, 1848-1887
The impact of Hegelian philosophy on 19th-century music criticism. Music's status as an art form was distrusted in the context of German idealist philosophy which exerted an unparalleled influence on the entire nineteenth century. Hegel insisted that the content of a work of art should be grasped in concepts in order to establish its spiritual substantiality (Geistigkeit), and that no object, word or image could accurately represent the content and meaning of a musical work. In the mid-nineteenth...
Engels | 270 pagina's (PDF, 3,1 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Paulo C. Chagas Unsayable music
six reflections on musical semiotics, electroacoustic and digital music
Profound theoretical and philosophical approach to contemporary music. Unsayable Music presents theoretical, critical and analytical reflections on key topics of contemporary music including acoustic, electroacoustic and digital music, and audiovisual and multimedia composition. Six essays by Paulo C. Chagas approaching music from different perspectives such as philosophy, sociology, cybernetics, musical semiotics, media, and critical studies. Chagas's practical experience, both as a composer of...
Engels | 300 pagina's (PDF, 4,9 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Steven F. Joseph Belgian photographic literature of the 19th century
a bibliography and census; bibliography et recensement
First comprehensive and richly illustrated overview of historical Belgian photographic literature. The development of photography from its roots in 19th-century science gradually transformed book illustration and the dissemination of images. This fully bilingual reference work presents a first comprehensive survey of Belgian photographic literature of the 19th century, both of illustrated books and of technical publications. It makes a major contribution to academic study in the field, with a corpus...
Engels | Frans | 440 pagina's (PDF, 6,2 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Kadoc Loci sacri
understanding sacred places
Sacred places have long exercised a special fascination. Sacred places are not static entities but reveal a historical dynamic. They are the result of cultural developments and have varied multidimensional levels of significance. They are places where time is, as it were, suspended, and they are points where holy times and holy places meet. Sacred places are places apart. It is this specificity in the context of the Christian religions of the West that Loci Sacri wishes to unveil by bringing together...
Engels | 284 pagina's (PDF, 7,8 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
W.F. Denslagen Observations on urban aesthetics
London, Paris and New York
London, Paris and New York were each designated as 'capital of the world' in the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Besides their cultural importance, they were also admired for their beauty. How travellers described these cityscapes is the theme of this book. Why is it interesting to look at these cities through the eyes of travellers from the past who visited places, which have changed over time? Well, firstly, because if you always restrict your views on architecture by only looking...
Engels | 156 pagina's (ePub2, 22 MB) | U2pi, Voorburg | 2016
Niels Shoe Meulman Shoe is my middle name
written paintings and painted words
Ever since he picked the graffiti name Shoe in 1979, Niels Meulman has been carving out his own path towards the international art world. Being a graffiti pioneer from Amsterdam, he worked with American counterparts such as Dondi White, Rammellzee and Keith Haring in the 1980s. He made the transition from the streets to fine art with a unique fusion of calligraphy and graffiti, which he named Calligraffiti. This soon became a worldwide phenomenon and now plays a significant role within Urban Contemporary...
Fictie | Non-fictie
Engels | 345 pagina's (ePub3, 89 MB) | Lebowski, Amsterdam | 2016
Leo Samama The meaning of music
For virtually all of our lives, we are surrounded by music. From lullabies to radio to the praises sung in houses of worship, we encounter music at home and in the street, during work and in our leisure time, and not infrequently at birth and death. But what is music, and what does it mean to humans? How do we process it, and how do we create it? Musician Leo Samama discusses these and many other questions while shaping a vibrant picture of music's importance in human lives both past and present....
Engels | 211 pagina's (ePub2, 9 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2016
Joes Segal Art and politics
between purity and propaganda
At first glance, art and politics seem like they couldn't be more separate, with politics focused on the grubbiness of everyday reality and art busily creating a fantasy world of creative expression. Yet the two realms frequently come together, and the collision can be fiery. This book explores the position of art and artists under a number of different political regimes of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, traveling around the world to consider how art and politics have interacted and influenced...
Engels | 126 pagina's (ePub2, 8,9 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2016
ICY and SOT Let her be free
ICY and SOT, stencil artists from Iran 2006-2015
ICY (born 1985) and SOT (born 1991) are refuge stencil artists from Tabriz, Iran, currently residing in Brooklyn, New York. Since 2006, the two brothers have contributed to Iranian and international urban art culture through their striking stencil work that depicting human rights, ecological justice, social and political issues. Their work appears on walls and galleries throughout the Iran, USA, Germany, China, Norway, and globally.They transcend their histories of artistic and political censorship...
Engels | 264 pagina's (ePub3, 66 MB) | Lebowski, Amsterdam | 2016
Dennis A-Tjak Indische pracht
vier eeuwen fascinatie voor de flora van Indonesië; four centuries of fascination for the flora of Indonesia
Kleurenfoto's van bloemen- en plantenrassen uit Indonesië.
Nederlands | Engels | 127 pagina's | LM Publishers, Volendam | 2018
Gedrukt boek
Jan C. van der Heide Anna
dancing in my mind
ANNA - dancing in my mind For those who knew her, Anna van der Heide had become a household word. Her name stood for love, warmth, humanity and kindness. She was for one and all a large loving mothers heart. Anna, the wife of psychic and hypnotherapist Jan C. van der Heide, has passed away. Jan wrote this book about his dearly beloved Anna. `The flower of his heart, the woman he owes so unprecedented much to. While reading, we can bask in her unlimited love, and in her deep warmth and spirituality....
Engels | 150 pagina's (PDF, 14 MB) | Citadel, Oegstgeest | 2013
Orpheus Institute Dramma giocoso
four contemporary perspectives on the Mozart/Da Ponte operas
The three Mozart/Da Ponte operas offer an inexhaustible wellspring for critical reflection, possessing a complexity and equivocation common to all great humane works. They have the potential to reflect and refract whatever locus of contemporaneity may be the starting point for enquiry. Thus, even postmodern and postmillennial concerns, far from seeming irrelevant to these operas, are instead given new perspectives by them, whilst the music and the dramatic situations have the multivalency to accept...
Engels | 140 pagina's (PDF) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2012
Peter de Ruiter The art of bodypainting
bonus e-book English
Kennismaking via dit bonus e-book met de gedrukte versie: een luxe koffietafelboek met daarin een overzicht van het werk van 45 hedendaagse bodypainters.
Engels | 75 pagina's | PixelPerfect Publications, Den Haag | 2012
Peter de Ruiter Holland, as we see it
"Holland, as we see it This striking photo ebook about Holland is the labour of love of 140 Dutch photographers who spend most of their free time capturing the towns and landscapes of their country in the best light. Altogether they present you with a multicolored image of a country known for its cheese, tulips and windmills. But of course there is much more to discover: the woods, the sea, the animals, the seasons, the architecture and the people themselves. They are all in this ebook,accompanied...
Engels | ePub2 | PixelPerfect Publications, Den Haag | 2012
H. van der Cammen | Len de Klerk | Gerhard Dekker | P.P. Witsen The selfmade land
culture and evolution of urban and regional planning in the Netherlands
Nederland is één van de meest dichtbevolkte landen ter wereld. Dan moet je verstandig omgaan met de beschikbare ruimte. Waar gaan we werken, waar wonen en waar vakantie houden? Wat bebouwen en wat blijft ongerept? Nergens ter wereld wordt daar zo grondig over nagedacht als in Nederland. Internationaal geldt Nederland als gidsland op het gebied van de ruimtelijke ordening. Vanwege deze positie, en om aan de vraag vanuit het Engelstalige onderwijs te voorzien, verschijnt nu deze geheel herziene,...
Engels | 366 pagina's (ePub2, 11 MB) | Spectrum, Houten | 2012
Coen Bom Armin only
In 2008 werd Armin van Buuren bij de verkiezingen van 's werelds beste 100 dj's uitgeroepen tot populairste dj van de wereld. Het boek Eén op één volgt hem in het jaar dat daaraan voorafging. Van Buuren wordt gevolgd tijdens zijn talloze vliegreizen, optredens en interviewsessies. Het is de eerste inkijk in het leven de populairste dj van het moment. Wat gebeurt er nu werkelijk buiten het vele vliegen en alle glitter & glamour? Hoe is Armin op nummer 1 gekomen? Aan het woord komen zijn vrienden,...
Engels | ePub2, 4,3 MB | Carrera, Amsterdam | 2009
William Shakespeare Othello
World Classics
Beginning in the streets of Venice, Roderigo and Iago are introduced in the heart of an argument. Iago is frantic as he has been disregarded for promotion and plots to take revenge against his General, Othello. Thus, the manipulation commends as Iago makes Othello believe his wife, Desdemona is disloyal. Othello is a courageous fighter, but he is presented as an idealist when it comes to both his love of Desdemona and his friendship with Iago. This ultimately blinds him to Iago’s betrayal, stirring...
Engels | ePub2, 0,4 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2021
William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet
World Classics
Does Romeo and Juliet really need an introduction? Of all William Shakespeare’s plays, this might be the best known to date. Lamentable tragedies, star-crossed lovers and feuding families: if you somehow haven’t managed to read the all-time romantic tragedy classic, this is your sign to do so. In the midst of a violence and disputes, two young lovers find each other in a world that continuously contradict their attempt to attain eternal love and happiness. The age-old vendetta between the Montagues...
Engels | ePub2, 0,5 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2020
Dirk Moelants Improvising Early Music
The history of musical improvisation from the late Middle Ages to the early Baroque.Studying improvised music is always a challenge, due to its volatility and unpredictability. But what about studying musical improvisation from before the age of sound recordings? In this book three experts give their view on aspects of musical improvisation in the late medieval, renaissance, and early baroque periods. Historical sources show us how improvisation was an integral part of music education and how closely...
Engels | 136 pagina's | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2014