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Resultaat 121 - 140 (van 411)
Daphne Greer Camped out
Max weet dat zijn moeder geen geld heeft voor een zomerkamp. Maar hij wil zo graag. Even weg van thuis, van zijn aandacht vragende autistische broertje Duncan en weg van de nieuwe vriend van zijn moeder. Op een speciaal kamp mag hij gratis mee, als begeleider van Duncan. Hoe zal dat uitpakken? Vanaf ca. 12 jaar.
Engels | 129 pagina's | Orca Book Publishers, [Victoria, BC] | 2017
Gedrukt boek
Sigmund Brouwer Heavy freight
Met de politie op zijn hielen springt Maxwell (15, ik-figuur) op een passerende goederentrein. daar ontmoet hij Joseph die al jaren met de trein rondreist. Dat brengt Maxwell op het idee om op zoek te gaan naar zijn vader die hem in de steek liet toen hij nog klein was. Verhaal in korte zinnen en gemakkelijke woorden. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Fictie | Avonturenroman
Engels | 163 pagina's | Orca Book Publishers, [Victoria, BC] | 2017
Gedrukt boek
Margaret Atwood Alias Grace
Een 32-jarige vrouw vertelt aan haar psychiater hoe ze 16 jaar eerder, in 1843, in Canada tot levenslang is veroordeeld voor medeplichtigheid aan de moord op haar werkgever en diens huishoudster.
Fictie | Historische roman | Psychologische roman
Engels | 545 pagina's | Virago, London | 2017
Gedrukt boek
In New York gebruiken openbaar aanklager Chuck Rhoades en hedgefondseigenaar Bobby 'Axe' Axelrod hun macht en netwerken om de strijd met elkaar aan te gaan.
John Wilson Gold
Sam en Annabel brengen een bezoekje aan een bijna verlaten dorp in Italië. In de tunnels en grotten bij het dorp gaan ze op zoek naar verborgen schatten. Maar dan wordt Annabel ontvoerd. Kan Sam haar terugvinden? Vanaf ca. 12 jaar.
Fictie | Detectiveroman
Engels | 128 pagina's | Orca Book Publishers, [Victoria, BC] | 2017
Gedrukt boek
Shock and awe
Een groep journalisten die werkt voor het mediaconcern Knight Ridder twijfelt aan de verklaring van de regering Bush dat Saddam Hoessein beschikt over massavernietigingswapens.
Fictie | Politieke roman
Lesley Choyce Identify
Ethans vriendin Gabe moet zich op school meer als een meisje kleden. Al snel ontdekt Ethan dat Gabe bedreigd wordt. Maar als hij het voor haar opneemt, komt hij al snel in de problemen. Verhaal in korte zinnen en gemakkelijke woorden. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Fictie | Schoolverhaal
Engels | 114 pagina's | Orca Book Publishers, [Victoria, BC] | 2017
Gedrukt boek
In 1940 werkt Thurgood Marshall voor de burgerrechtenbeweging NAACP. Hij wordt naar een stad in het conservatieve Connecticut gestuurd om een zwarte chauffeur te verdedigen.
Fictie | Sociale roman
The Flash
Door een blikseminslag blijkt Barry Allen te beschikken over supersnelheid. Als 'The Flash' bestrijdt hij de misdaad in Central City.
Fictie | Science fiction
The bold type
De drie vriendinnen Jane, Kat en Sutton werken op het hoofdkantoor van het tijdschrift Scarlet in New York en delen lief en leed. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Jacques Pijl Strategy
Strategy = Execution is for leaders, professionals, and entrepreneurs who view strategy execution as their principal job instead of strategy definition. Organizations are currently in a new economy, where they are either being disrupted or causing disruption. Continuity is no longer a given. Only one law applies: strategy = execution, because a strategy is only as brilliant as its execution. Strategy execution is the last competitive advantage. And strength, speed and agility in execution are more...
Engels | 11 uur 17 minuten (974 MB) | Bookora, Zeist | 2021
Luisterboek (digitaal)
G. A. Henty On the Irrawaddy, A Story of the First Burmese War
As the first Anglo-Burmese War is raging, a young man, Stanley, finds himself involved. Set in early nineteenth century India and Burma, "On the Irrawaddy, A Story of the First Burmese War" is an exciting adventure, loaded with historical detail. G. A. Henty (1832-1902) was an English novelist and war correspondent, best known for his historical adventure stories. His works include "The Dragon & The Raven" (1886), "For The Temple" (1888), "Under Drake's Flag" (1883) and "In Freedom's Cause" (1885)....
Engels | 8 uur 42 minuten (398 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Edith Nesbit The Book of Dragons
A princess is locked away on a remote island guarded by a dragon. Many suitors try and fail to save her, but one day a clever boy arrives. So begins ‘The Island of Nine Whirlpools‘, one of Edith Nesbitt’s eight dragon stories in ‘The Book of Dragons’ (1899). The tales may be over a hundred years old, but they contain a timeless quality that ignites the imagination and creates a sense of wonder. Child or adult, these stories are written with such warmth and wit, anyone will find themselves laughing...
Engels | 4 uur 6 minuten (188 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Robert E. Howard Red Shadows
First published in Weird Tales, August 1928, alternatively titled 'Solomon Kane'. This was the first Solomon Kane story ever published. In France, Kane finds a girl attacked by a gang of brigands led by a villain known as Le Loup. As she dies in his arms, Kane determines to avenge her death, and the trail leads from France to Africa, ending with Kane's first meeting with N'Longa. Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American author of a wide range of genres. He created the pulp fiction hero...
Engels | 1 uur 2 minuten (48 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
L. Frank Baum Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz
"There is no doubt they intend to kill us as dead as possible in a short time," said the Wizard. "As dead as poss'ble would be pretty dead, wouldn't it?" asked Dorothy." During an earthquake in California Dorothy and her friends are swallowed up by cracks in the earth and find themselves in a whole new land – the Land of Mangaboos. The Mangaboos are a vegetable people, and they accuse Dorothy and her friends of causing the earthquake and sentence them to death. The 1939 movie, `The Wizard of Oz‘...
Engels | 4 uur 23 minuten (208 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Rudyard Kipling Captain Courageous
Captains Courageous is an 1897 novel, by Rudyard Kipling, that follows the adventures of fifteen year old Harvey Cheyne Jr., the arrogant and spoiled son of a railroad tycoon. The novel originally appeared as a serialization in McClure's, beginning with the November 1896 edition. Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was an English author, journalist, poet, and novelist. His most famous work is "The Jungle Book" (1894), inspiring two Disney adaptations; the 1967 animated feature and the 2016 live-action...
Engels | 5 uur 55 minuten (272 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Mark Twain A Connecticut Yankee at the Court of King Arthur
Hank Morgan, a mechanic at a gun factory, is knocked unconscious and wakes up in England in the year 528. After he is captured and taken to Camelot, he is put before the knights of King Arthur‘s Round Table where he is condemned to death. However, he remembers having read of an eclipse on the day of his execution and he astonishes the court by predicting the phenomenon. Hank is made minister to the ineffectual king and in an effort to bring democratic principles and mechanical knowledge to the kingdom,...
Engels | 11 uur 43 minuten (526 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
L. Frank Baum The Road to Oz
"Roads," observed the shaggy man, "don't go anywhere. They stay in one place, so folks can walk on them."A shaggy-looking man, imaginatively called Shaggy Man, asks Dorothy for directions to Butterfield, but the two of them end up getting lost on their way and decide to proceed to Oz instead. For once not chased by danger, they arrive just in time for Princess Ozma‘s birthday party where a great assortment of colourful characters awaits. The 1939 movie, `The Wizard of Oz‘ starring Judy Garland, perfectly...
Engels | 4 uur 19 minuten (193 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
L. Frank Baum The Enchanted Island of Yew
Three young girls wander into an enchanted forest at meet a fairy woman, who is bored with her perfect, immortal life. She convinces them to turn her into a human and decides to become a prince because boys have more fun. His/her new existence exploring the surrounding kingdoms is fast and adventurous from the get-go. What unfolds in an interesting story of problems solved by a woman‘s mind in the luxury of a man‘s body. `The Enchanted Island of Yew` (1903) was written by L. Frank Baum, the author...
Engels | 4 uur 37 minuten (206 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Edgar Rice Burroughs The Gods of Mars
After ten long years away from Barsoom and his beloved red Martian princess Dejah Thoris, John Carter is finally back! Unfortunately, Carter appears in the one place on Barsoom from which nobody is allowed to depart... The second installment in Edgar Rice Burroughs's classic sci-fi Mars series, "The Gods of Mars" is the thrilling follow-up to "A Princess of Mars". Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) was an American novelist. His most notable creations include the heroic Mars adventurer John Carter,...
Engels | 7 uur 37 minuten (347 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)